
The Argyll DSFB is a statutory consultee for planning applications, such as aquaculture, wind farms and hydro schemes, that have the potential to affect salmon and trout fisheries in Argyll.

As part of our commitment to greater transparency in our work we are now logging all consultations that we receive and making these and any responses we make available here on our website.

If anyone has specific comments on planning applications that are still pending or wants more details about an application please get in touch with us before the deadline for that application.


March 2025

Deadline 28/02/2025, Merland Burn, SEPA, CAR/L/5009664, Installation of run-of-river hydro power scheme, no objection to the development, noted that no surveys have been carried out
19/02/2025, Inveraray Seawall Repairs, BEAR Scotland Ltd, 00010838/00011098, Seawall repairs, ADSFB did not submit a response
14/03/2025, Forest Management, Soil Association, SA-FM/COC-004807, Forestry Management Consultation, ADSFB did not submit a response

February 2025

Deadline 12/02/2025, YW Route Modernisation, Scot Gov ECU00006020, Request for scoping opinion for proposed section  37 application for YW route modernisation, Argyll DSFB request that any potential for the proposed works to influence water discharge or water quality flowing into the River Fyne catchment should be fully considered and mitigated for by the proposed development to demonstrate that the interests of Argyll DSFB and biodiversity have been protected
Deadline 27/02/2025, Craighouse, Isle of Jura Scot Gov 10912, Undertake a slipway, Argyll DSFB did not submit a response
Deadline 28/02/2025, Ormaig & Salachry LMP, Forestry and Land Scotland Land Management Plan, Argyll DSFB did not submit a response
Deadline 06/02/2025, Inverchaolain Wind Farm, Scot Gov ECU00006012, Scoping Request, Argyll DSFB request that the EIA should include baseline and post construction monitoring of fish populations and macroinvertebrates in these watercourses (to standards prescribed by the Marine Directorate)

January 2025

Deadline 17/02/2025, West Torrisdale Wind Farm, Scot Gov, ECU00002224, Consent to construct and operate West Torrisdale Wind Farm located 4 km southwest of Carradale, Concerned that that the proposed wind farm could potentially have some impact on migratory salmonid fish habitat downstream of the proposed development site. Monitoring of Water quality, macroinvertebrates, and fish should be undertaken
Deadline 17/02/2025 Corr Chnoc Wind Farm, Scot Govt, ECU00006023, Consent to construct and operate Corr Chnoc Wind Farm, Concerned that that the proposed wind farm could potentially have some impact on migratory salmonid fish habitat downstream of the proposed development site. Monitoring of Water quality, macroinvertebrates, and fish should be undertaken and the migration of fish are specifically considered in the design of any new stream crossing over the River Lonan and ask that Argyll DSFB are consulted on the design and installation of any new structure.
Deadline 06/02/2025, Forest Management carried out by Scottish Woodlands Limited (SA-FM/COC-010210 / SA-PEFC-FM-010210), Forestry Consultation team management practices review, ADSFB reviewed and no requirement for comments.
Deadline 31/01/2025, Cruach Clenamacrie Wind Farm, Scot Govt ,ECU00004841, Construct and operate Cruach Clenamacrie Wind Farm located 7 km east of Oban, ADSFB request that monitoring of Water quality, macroinvertebrates, and fish should be undertaken to Scottish Government guidelines
Deadline 22/01/2025, Eredine Wind Farm, Scot Govt, ECU00004517, Consent to construct and operate Eredine Wind Farm located approximately 4.5 km west of Inveraray and approximately 17 km to the north-east of Lochgilphead, ADSFB urge that in the event of the proposed wind farm being granted planning permission that monitoring of Water quality, macroinvertebrates, and fish should be undertaken to Scottish Government guidelines which include sites within the reaches of habitat in both catchments where salmon are present.

November 2024

Deadline 04/11/2004, Cnoc Buidhe Wind Energy Hub, Scot Gov, ECU00004767, Scoping Report, ADSFB consideration is given to the maintenance of stream habitats and water quality within and downstream of the development site throughout the project’s lifetime
Deadline 05/11/2024, Carradale North Fish Farm, A&B Council, 24/01382/MFF, Replace existing 10 x 120m circumference pens with 6 x 160m circumference pens, Argyll DSFB has no objection to the proposed change in fish pen size at the Carradale farm site in the understanding that an EMP that monitor the genetic health of wild salmon populations in the Awe Fisheries District is a condition of any change in the planning permission.
Deadline 31/10/2024, A83 Aray Bridge, Inveraray, BEAR Scotland Ltd, 10817, Bridge Maintenance, Argyll DSFB did not submit a response as the work is being carried out below any fish habitat
Deadline 08/11/2024, The Old Byre Showroom Brodick Ayrshire KA27 8EB, North Ayrshire Council, 23/00927/PP,  Installation of run-of-river hydro power scheme, Recommend that a fish habitat survey is carried out that identifies the location of obstacles to migration
Deadline 22/11/2024, Machair Wind Offshore Windfarm, Scot Gov, Scoping and HRA Consultation, Comments submitted and suggested that developers fund monitoring, to demonstrate more certainty that the development does not impact on the salmon populations or the fisheries

October 2024

Deadline 15/10/2024, Corr Chnoc Wind Farm, Scot Gov, ECU00004832, Scoping request, Argyll DSFB are satisfied that their views have been represented adequately in the gate check Report.
Deadline 04/10/2024, Killean Wind Farm, Scot Gov, ECU00004927, Construction of 9 wind turbines up to 180 metres tip height, ADSFB are satisfied that the construction phase should not have any significant impact on migratory salmonid fish habitat within the proposed wind farm site
Deadline 30/10/2024, Inverlussa Shellfish Co Ltd, Marine Scotland, 10489, Renewal of a license for an existing shellfish farm, ADSFB considered there to be no requirement for comment
Deadline 11/10/2024, Sailean Ruadh Fish Farm, A&B Council 24/00419/MFF, Replacement of existing pens, EMP requested to monitor the genetic health of wild salmon populations in the Awe Fisheries District as a condition of any change in the planning permission.

September 2024

Deadline 27/09/2024, Deucheran Hill Wind Farm Proposal, Scot Gov, ECU00005208, Scoping request, ADSFB asked that surveys of fish habitats populations are undertaken so that the developer and Argyll DSFB are fully informed prior to the next phase of the planning cycle. Also request that pre and post construction monitoring of fish populations and macroinvertebrates in these watercourses (as prescribed by Marine Directorate) should be undertaken if the site is given permission to be developed.
Deadline 15/10/2024, Corr Chnoc Wind Farm, Scot Gov, ECU00004832, Scoping request, Argyll DSFB are satisfied that their views have been represented adequately in the gate check Report.
Deadline 04/10/2024, Killean Wind Farm, Scot Gov, ECU00004927, Construction of 9 wind turbines up to 180 metres tip height, ADSFB are satisfied that the construction phase should not have any significant impact on migratory salmonid fish habitat within the proposed wind farm site

August 2024

Deadline 03/07/024, Sloy Hydro Electric station, Scot Gov, EIA Scoping consultation, Recommend that the abstraction regime currently operating on Allt Uaine should be considered as part of the proposed Sloy Pumped Storage Scheme
Deadline 28/07/2024, The Slate Scottish Woodlands LTFP Renewal 2024, Scoping, Recommend that every opportunity is taken to establish / retain broadleaf trees / woodland along the watercourses within the estate
Deadline 27/07/2024, Achnaba & Castleton Scottish Woodlands 10454, LTFP Screening, Recommend that every opportunity is taken to establish / retain broadleaf trees / woodland along these watercourses
Deadline 31/07/2024, Inverneill Hill Woods, Scottish Woodlands Scoping Request, Management plan to reflect the presence of the sea trout, as a priority species, and salmon. Recommendations submitted for beneficial locations for planting of riparian broadleaf trees
Deadline 26/06/2024 Keppochan East & Tullich Forest Tilhill Scoping Request Management plan to reflect the presence of salmon, as a priority species. Recommendations submitted for beneficial locations for planting of riparian broadleaf trees
Deadline 04/09/2024, Airds Point, Loch Etive Marine Scotland 10829, Undertake licensable activity, There is no requirement for Argyll DSFB to consult on this matter
Deadline 04/09/2024 Sailean Ruadh, Loch Etive, Marine Scotland 10828, Undertake licensable activity, There is no requirement for argyll DSFB to consult on this matter
Deadline 21/08/2024, Tilhill Forestry Ltd Soil Association, Forest Management assessment of forest management by Tilhill Forestry Ltd Reviewed and no requirement for comments.
Deadline 10/08/2024, Balliemeanoch Pumped Storage Hydro, Scot Gov ECU00003444, Proposed pumped storage hydro scheme at Balliemeanoch. ADSFB object to the proposal of the development at Balliemeanoch on the grounds that it will cause a disproportionate detrimental effect on Atlantic salmon and other freshwater fish.

July 2024

Deadline 03/07/024, Sloy Hydro Electric station, Scot Gov, EIA Scoping consultation, Recommend that the abstraction regime currently operating on Allt Uaine should be considered as part of the proposed Sloy Pumped Storage Scheme.

Deadline 28/07/2024, The Slate, Scottish Woodlands, LTFP Renewal 2024, Scoping, Recommend that every opportunity is taken to establish / retain broadleaf trees / woodland along the watercourses within the estate.

Deadline 27/07/2024, Achnaba & Castleton, Scottish Woodlands, 10454, LTFP Screening, Recommend that every opportunity is taken to establish / retain broadleaf trees / woodland along these watercourses.

Deadline 31/07/2024, Inverneill Hill Woods, Scottish Woodlands, Scoping Request, Management plan to reflect the presence of the sea trout, as a priority species, and salmon. Recommendations submitted for beneficial locations for planting of riparian broadleaf trees.

Deadline 26/06/2024, Keppochan East & Tullich Forest Tilhill,Scoping Request, Management plan to reflect the presence of salmon, as a priority species. Recommendations submitted for beneficial locations for planting of riparian broadleaf trees.

June 2024

Deadline 30/06/2024, Ormaig and Salachry Land Management Plan (LMP) consultation, Forestry and Land Scot Review of the land management plan, Forests do not influence any significant fish habitats, no comment submitted

Deadline 03/06/2024, Evanachan Micro Hydro Scheme, SEPA CAR/L/5007228, To install a run-of-river micro hydroelectric scheme (7kW) on an unnamed burn near Evanachan Farm, PA21 2DH Comments submitted, if the intake is on the small tributary it should not be a problem to fish in the main burn

Deadline 28/06/2024 Corran Ferry Infrastructure Improvement Scheme Marine Scotland SCOP-0047 Scoping Request Not within the Argyll DSFB area

Deadline 26/06/2024 A83 230, Glenburn, PA30 8HX Marine Scotland 10697 Bridge Maintenance Board do not need to consult further on this application as there is no fish habitat upstream or downstream of the proposed works

Deadline 28/06/2024, Bakkafrost Scotland Ltd, Marine Scotland 10747, Undertake continued deposit of a marine farm

Deadline 03/06/2024, Evanachan Micro Hydro Scheme, SEPA CAR/L/5007228, To install a run-of-river micro hydroelectric scheme (7kW) on an unnamed burn near Evanachan Farm, PA21 2DH, Comments submitted, if the intake is on the small tributary it should not be a problem to fish in the main burn.

Deadline 28/06/2024,Corran Ferry Infrastructure Improvement Scheme, Marine Scotland, SCOP-0047, Scoping Request, Not within the Argyll DSFB area.

Deadline 26/06/2024, A83, Glenburn, PA30 8HX Marine Scotland, 10697, Bridge Maintenance, Board do not need to consult further on this application as there is no fish habitat upstream or downstream of the proposed works.

Deadline 28/06/2024 Bakkafrost Scotland Ltd Marine Scotland 10747 Undertake continued deposit of a marine farm No requirement for Argyll DSFB to consult on this application for renewal of an existing fish farm

May 2024

Deadline 22/05/2024, Kennacraig, West Loch Tarbert, Scot Gov 10794, Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, Argyll DSFB considered consultations and did not submit any comment

April 2024

March 2024

Deadline 19/03/2024, Otter Ferry, A&B Council, 24/00032/PP, Construction of micro run-of-river hydro scheme, Recommendations submitted

February 2024

Deadline 04/03/2024, Forest Management Scottish Woodlands SA-FM/COC-010210 / SA-PEFC-FM-010210 Stakeholder Consultation, Argyll DSFB would like to take up the opportunity to comment on forestry management within Argyll and the Islands area, however the information supplied does not allow us to search the list effectively. ADSFB have requested that the local authority area be added to the 260 sites
Deadline 14/03/2024 Connel Bridge, A828, Oban BEAR Scotland Ltd Bridge Maintenance, ADSFB did not consider in necessary to consult further on the consultation.
Deadline 03/03/2024, Ladyfield Renewable Energy Park Limited, Scot Gov ECU00003291, 13 wind turbines of up to 180 metres and associated infrastructure, Argyll DSFB request that the developer maintain a line of communication with Argyll Fisheries Trust throughout the build phase of the project to provide us with assurances that full protection of our interests are maintained.
Deadline 19/02/2024, Blarghour Wind Farm 132 OHL Connection Scot Gov ECU00005018 132 OHL Connection Argyll DSFB requested that developer should provide Argyll DSFB with proposed mitigation measures for ADSFB consideration and agreement. Where disturbance of the soils and potential water crossings are anticipated, ADSFB recommend that baseline and post construction monitoring of fish populations and macroinvertebrates in these watercourses should be undertaken.
Deadline 21/02/2024, Giant’s Burn Wind Farm, Scot Gov ECU00005007, Scoping Opinion

January 2024

Deadline 25/01/2024, Allt Chaorain, Highland Council, 23/05850/FUL,  Construction of a weir across Allt Chaorain to divert part of the flow, ADSFB considers that the proposed extension to the existing hydro development has little potential to have a significant impact wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout in Allt Eilidh

November 2023

Deadline 28/11/2023, High Brenfield Wind Farm, GOVT ECU00004961, Scoping Consultation, ADSFB request that pre and post construction monitoring of fish populations and macroinvertebrates in these watercourses (as prescribed by Marine Directorate) should be undertaken if the site is given permission to be developed
Deadline18/12/2023, Breackerie Wind Farm proposal, GOVT ECU00004507 ,consultation request re application for consent under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989, Argyll DSFB request that pre and post construction monitoring of fish populations and macroinvertebrates in these watercourses (as prescribed by Marine Directorate) should be undertaken if the site is given permission to be developed
Deadline 08/12/2023, Rock Armour Breakwater – Iona Ferry Terminal, Isle of Iona A& B Council EIS 00010432, Construction of Rock Armour Breakwater
Deadline 08/12/2023, Iona Harbour, Isle of Iona A& B Council EIS 00010433, Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, The Argyll DSFB have reviewed the application and conclude that there is no reason for Argyll DSFB to consult on this proposal.
Deadline 18/11/2023, West Gigha, A& B Council, 23/01758/MFF ,Recommendations submitted: effective containment of farm fish, management of Sea Lice, EMP agreed

October 2023

Deadline 06/10/2023, Killean Wind Farm, GOVT ECU00004927 Scoping Report ADSFB asked that all consideration is given to the maintenance of stream habitats and water quality within and downstream of the development site throughout the project’s lifetime

Deadline 02/11/2023, Kennacraig, West Loch Tarbert, GOVT 10383, Ferry Terminal Construction, After review: no ADSFB consultation required
Deadline 02/11/2023, Kennacraig, West Loch Tarbert, GOVT, Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, After review, no ADSFB consultation required
Deadline 26/10/2023, Extension to run-of-river, 23/01526/PP,  Extension to run-of-river
Kennacraig, West Loch Tarbert. MARINE SCOTLAND 10391 Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, After review, there was no requirement for ADSFB to comment on the application
Deadline 09/11/2023, Succoth, A& B COUNCIL, 23/01549/PP, Permanent retention of temporary access track, No objection. Submitted recommendations regarding culvert and movement of fish

September 2023

Deadline  08/09/2023, Craobh Haven Marina, Lochgilphead, GOVT 10446, Pontoon repair, ADSFB considered the application and no need to respond
Deadline 27/09/2023, White House Estate, Isle of Mull, GOVT 10312, Pontoon, ADSFB considered the application and no need to respond
Deadline 28/09/2023, Sailean Ruadh, Loch Etive, A&B Council, 23/01744/MFF, Stocking of Atlantic Salmon, ADSFB require that an EMP that monitor sea lice and genetic health of wild salmon populations is a condition of any change in the planning permission.
Deadline 22/09/2023, Nova Oran na Mara, Sound of Islay, Marine Scotland Tidal Energy, Project ADSFB urge the developer to be aware and responsive to the new information on smolt migration derived from the WCSTP as it becomes available over the next few years

August 2023

Deadline 23/08/2023, Port Na Mine Fish Farm (Etive 3) Loch Etive, A&B Council, 23/01446/MFF, Removal of Condition 2 relative to Planning Permission reference 16/01971/MFF, to allow the stocking of Atlantic Salmon, Argyll DSFB is supportive of the proposed change to the existing planning condition given that the changes also include conditions that guarantee the contiguous fallow of the Loch for four weeks at the end of each production cycle
Deadline 23/08/2023, Atlantic Salmon at Etive 2 Fish Farm, Inverawe, Loch Etive A&B Council, 23/01445/MFF, Removal of Condition 2 relative to Planning Permission reference SFA/ABC/046 to allow the stocking of Atlantic Salmon, Argyll DSFB is supportive of the proposed change to the existing planning condition given that the changes also include conditions that guarantee the contiguous fallow of the Loch for four weeks at the end of each production cycle
Deadline 23/08/2023 Sailean Ruadh (Etive 6) Loch Etive, A&B Council, 23/01447/MFF, Removal of Condition 2 relative to Planning Permission, reference 13/01379/MFF, to allow the stocking of Atlantic Salmon Argyll DSFB is supportive of the proposed change to the existing planning condition given that the changes also include conditions that guarantee the contiguous fallow of the Loch for four weeks at the end of each production cycle

July 2023

Deadline 14/07/2023, Lochranza Weir Proposed Design And Fish Pass, SCOT WATER, Draft design drawings for the replacement raw water intake design drawings which largely appear to be beneficial for the passage of trout, recommendations given for stone part
Deadline 14/08/2023, Barachander Wind Farm, GOVT, ECU0000486, Scoping Request, Recommended macroinvertebrates survey and full distribution of species known
Deadline 18/08/2023, Blarghour Wind Farm, SSE, Consultation, Request that SSE should minimise any impact on the riparian woodland and other vegetation on the banks of these watercourses
Deadline 02/08/2023,Cruach Clenmacrie Wind Farm, GOVT, ECU00004841, Scoping Request, Request that the EIA should include baseline and post construction monitoring of fish populations and macroinvertebrates in these watercourses

June 2023

Glenfeochan Acess Road, Highfiled Forrestry Ltd., Construction of a new forest access road, Recommendations submitted
Deadline 31/07/2023, Glen Cannel and Torosay Hill, Highland Forestry, Public Engagement, Recommendations submitted
Furnace  Bridge Repairs, Bear Scotland, Concerns submitted, Further consultation recommended
Deadline 21/07/2023, Cruachan Upgrade, Govt, Cruachan Upgrade Draft Water Rights Order, Representation Submitted
Deadline 17/07/2023, Coalashee Wind Farm, Govt., ECU00004827, Scoping request, There is a need to identify the current distribution of fish, potentially sensitive sites should be monitored during construction

Deadline 17/07/2023, CORR CHNOC WIND FARM, GOVT, ECU00004832, Scoping Request, ADFSB welcomed the proposed fish habitat surveys to be undertaken as part of this process
Deadline 11/07/2023, SHEIRDRIM WIND FARM CONNECTION, GOVT, EC00004831, Scoping Request Proposed location of the infrastructure will avoid any potential direct problems for migratory fish and any potential indirect effects
Deadline 11/07/2023, East Kilmartin, A&B Council, 22/01380/PP, Construction of wind farm, Recommendations submitted
Deadlie 21/07/2023, Sloy Hydro Electric, GOVT, ECU00004840, Scoping Request

May 2023

Deadline 01/06/2023, A83 110 Aray Bridge, East of Inveraray, Marine Scotland, 10254, Bridge Maintenance work is downstream of any spawning or juvenile fish habitat and should not affect any migration through this part of the River Aray, no comment submitted.
Deadline 05/06/2023, West Gigha MPFF,  SEPA, CAR/L/5004991,  Bakkafrost Scotland Limited, Marine Pen Fish Farm at West Gigha
Deadline 24/05/2023, An Carr Dubh Wind Farm, EIA Report, Govt, ECU00004781, EIA Report, ADSFB welcome the commitments listed in the EIA within the response
Deadline 05/06/2023, West Gigha MPFF, SEPA CAR/L/5004991, New authorisation of a Marine Pen Fish Farm, ADSFB will respond when this application comes to the local authority planning
Deadline 13/06/2023, FISHNISH B MPFF,  SEPA, CAR/L/1003494,  Variation to licence, ADSFB will respond when this application comes to the local authority planning

April 2023

Deadline 13/04/2023, Crossaig North Substation OHL, GOVT, 230316, Install overhead line. ADSFB requested that all consideration is given to the maintenance of stream habitats and water quality within and downstream of the development site throughout the project’s lifetime.

Deadline 18/04/2023, Bakkafrost (Scotland) Ltd, MARINE SCOLAND, 10071, Marine Farm – Ardyne, Sound of Rothesay, Loch Striven. ADSFB will make comment at the local authority planning consultation phase.
Deadline 17/04/2023, Cnoc Buidhe wind Energy Hub, – Scoping Report, GOVT, Scoping Opinion, ADSFB requested that all consideration is given to the maintenance of stream habitats and water quality within and downstream of the development site throughout the project’s lifetime.
Deadline 08/04/2023, Creag Dhubh Substation, GOVT, Install overhead line, ADSFB requested that all consideration is given to the maintenance of stream habitats and water quality within and downstream of the development site throughout the project’s lifetime.
Deadline 24/05/2023, An Carr Dubh, GOVT, ECU00004781, Construct and operate An Carr Dubh Wind Farm on land approximately 6km northwest of Inverary


March 2023

Deadline 27/03/2023, Blarghour Wind Farm, Variation proposal, GOVT ECU00004754, Application for variation of Electricity Act 1989 section 36 consent Variation that will reduce the number of turbines,There is no requirement for Argyll DSFB to make further comment
Deadline 13/04/2023, Inveraray to Crossaig, GOVT ECU00004763), Install and keep installed approximately 372m of 275 kV overhead line
Ardyne, South of Rothesay, MARINE SCOTLAND 06186/00010071, Marine Licence from Brakkafrost
Deadline 17/04/2023, Various Locations FORESTRY SOIL ASSOC. Forestry Management Assessment
Deadline 31/03/2023, Dunoon to Loch Long 123 Kv Rebuild GOVT Install overhead line Required further consultation

February 2023

Deadline 21/10/2023, Clachan Quarry, SEPA CAR/S/5004144, Watercourse diversion Requested details of design or meeting to discuss
Deadline 24/03/2023, EARRAGHAIL RENEWABLE ENERGY, GOVT, ECU00003421 Additional Information provided
Deadline 02/03/2023 Loch Long Planning Appeal Lomand and Trossachs Nat Park 2023/0001/REF, Argyll DSFB remain opposed to the proposal on the grounds that it has potential to cause further decline in wild salmon and sea trout
Deadline 04/04/2023 Land Adjacent To Allt Teanga Brideig Burn Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute A&B Council 23/00461/SCRSCO, Scoping request, Requested surveys of fish habitat and fish populations are carried out to assess any potential for these species to be affected by the proposed scheme.
Deadline 20/03/2023, North Arran MPFF SEPA CAR/L/1181033, Notification of licence for new 2,300 tonne salmon farm at North Arran, Developer is no longer seeking to proceed with this application so there is no need for the Argyll DSFB to consult further

January 2023

Deadline 13/01/2023, An Suidhe Substation Overhead Line Connection, GOVT ECU00004620, Updated Information, Noise Assessment Development will not affect the interests of the DSFB.
Deadline 17/01/2023, Crarae Substation Overhead Line Connection, GOVT ECU00004664, Updated Information Development will not affect the interests of the DSFB.
Deadline 17/01/2023, Craig Murrail Substation Overhead Line, GOVT ECU00004621, Updated Information Development will not affect the interests of the DSFB.
Deadline 31/01/2023, Sheirdrim Wind Farm Connection SSE LT000266, Overhead Line (OHL) and Alignment Option 2 – UGC
Deadline 01/02/2023, Earraghail Wind Farm Connection A&B Council LT313 Routeing Consultation

December 2022

Deadline 20/01/2023, Rowan Wind Farm, Gov Scot, Construction of wind farm, Underlined the importance of the habitat for recruitment of sea trout and the current poor condition of some of the habitat caused by intensive conifer plantations, recommendations made.

November 2022

Deadline 19/12/2022, An Suidhe, Govt Scot, 221111, An Suidhe Substation Overhead Line Connection, It appears that there is no significant impact on fish habitat or fisheries, therefore, there is no requirement for Argyll DSFB to consult on the development.
Deadline 30/11/2022, Craig Murrail, Govt Scot 221102, Substation Overhead Line, Argyll DSFB recommend that the developer contact Argyll Fisheries Trust in relation to specific works related to stream crossings and timing of works close to watercourses.
Deadline 18/11/2022, Carr Dubh Wind Farm, Govt Scot, Gate check consultation, requested that pre and post development surveys are undertaken to ensure that no damage to habitats and fish populations have occurred.
Deadline 16/11/2022, Awe Catchment, IKM Rail enhancement, the planned works will not interfere with any spawning activity due to the location
Deadline 16/12/2022, Creag Dubh, Govt Scot, 22115 Overhead Line, there is no need for ADSFB to consult further on this development
Deadline 18/12/2022, Otter Ferry, Marine Scot, 9878, Cable Maintenance & Removal, there is no need to consult further on this development

October 2022

Deadline 28/10/2022, Tangy IV Wind Farm Connection SSE Re-routing consultation, ADSFB welcomed re-routing and had no objections
Deadline 07/10/2022, Torran land management For Land Scot Torran, Ford, West Loch Awe, ADSFB feel it is essential that the LMP should build-in management activities that ensure robustness for freshwater habitats which are forecast to increase in temperature over the coming decades
Deadline 09/11/2022, Soil Assoc Forest Management carried out by Highfield Forestry Ltd, Proposed sites not of concern to ADSFB, no comment submitted

September 2022

Deadline 23/09/2002, Earraghaill, SSE, Preferred line route, No comment at this stage
Deadline 23/09/2022, Tangy IV, SS,E Preferred line route, No comment at this stage
Deadline 21/09/2022, Crinan Harbour, Marine Scotland, 966, Modification to existing mooring, No requirement for ADSFB to comment
Deadline, 22/01537/MFF, New feed barge, No comments submitted as fish production not increasing
Deadline 30/09/2022, Tangy IV, SSE, Preferred line route, No comment at this stage
Deadline 18/10/2022, Sheirdrim Wind Farm, SSE, Alignment Consultation, No need for ADSFB to respond
Deadline 30/09/2022, Earraghail Wind Farm Connection, A&B Council, Wind Farm Connection highly unlikely that it will affect any migratory or other fish habitat and therefore there is no need for the board to consult further on the proposals.

August 2022

Deadline 07/08/2022, Clachaig Glen Wind Farm and battery storage proposal, Scot Govt, Wind Farm and battery storage proposal, Further feedback from consultation
Deadline 06/08/2022, A83 South Craleckan, Bear, Retaining Wall Replacement, No objection, asked to be notifed if large fish present
Deadline 03/08/2022, Finnish A, SEPA, CAR/L/1003493, Technical variation to marine cage fish farm discharge, Requested EMP and that no expansion if licences in grants due to dwindling wild salmon numbers

Deadline 31/08/2022, The Manor House Marine Scotland, 9784, Mooring, No objection, no response submitted
Deadline 14/09/2022, Loch Etive, 9841, Repairs to pontoon, No objection

Deadline 23/09/2002, Earraghill, SSE Preferred line route, No comment at this stage
Deadline 23/09/2022, Tangy IV, SSE Preferrred line route, No comment at this stage
Deadline 21/09/2022, Crinan Harbuor, Marine Scotland, 9663, Modification to existing mooring,  No requirement for ADSFB to comment

July 2022

Deadline 18/07/2022, South Shian Marine Farm, 9670, ADSFB did not comment
Deadline 16/07/2022, Caledonian Oyster Co Marine Scot, 9512, Rubha Mor, Loch Creran ADSFB did not comment
Deadline 22/07/2022, Narachan Wind Farm proposal, Scot Govt ECU0000188, Further Information, Argyll DSFB did not comment on the additional information for the development of this wind farm which have corresponded on previously
Deadline 25/07/2022, North Argyll Tie-In OHL, Scot Govt 220622, Electricity Works, Argyll DSFB did not consult on this development
Deadline 19/07/2022, Creag Dhubh to Dalmally, Scot Govt 220617, Creag Dhubh to Dalmally 275kv OHL Connection, Argyll DSFB did not consult on this development Deadline 15/08/2022 Balliemeanoch,  Scot Govt EC00003444, Scoping Opinion ADSFB asked that additional risks of the Balliemeanoch scheme are not assessed in isolation within the EIA but as an addition to the existing impact on aquatic resources within the catchment

June 2022

Deadline 27/06/2022, Breakerie Wind Farm, Scot Gov ECU00004507, Scoping Request, Atlantic salmon and Sea trout are present in the Breakerie Water catchment and therefore the EIA needs to include baseline and post construction monitoring of fish populations and macroinvertebrates as prescribed by Marine Scotland

May 2022

Deadline 16/05/2022, Acihanelid New Woodland, New Woodland Creation, Overall supportive, would like more information and sensitive drainage required block D
Deadline 10/06/2022, Dalrioch Wind Farm, Scot Govt ECU00003474, Scoping Request, Urge that all consideration is given to the maintenance of stream habitats and water quality within and downstream of the development site throughout the projects lifetime
Lindowan Burn, A&B Council B833-25, Replace Lindown Culvert, ADSFB asked that the passage remains open for species such as trout and eels to pass
Deadline 25/04/2022, Clachaig Glen Wind Farm and Battery Storage Scot Govt ECU00002103, Proposed wind farm If brown trout available require fish monitoring programme

April 2022

Received 28/02/2022 Deadline 03/04/2022, Earraghail Renewable Energy Development Scot Govt ECU00003421, Reviewed and no concerns
Received 30/03/2022 Deadline 28/04/2022, Kames Fish Farm Marine, Scot 9435, Marine Licence Request No comment required as existing farm
Received 20/04/2022 Deadline 18/05/2022, Barcaldine Hatchery, Marine Scot 9687, Marine Licence Request, No requirement for ADSFB to comment

March 2022

Received 07/03/2022 Deadline 06/04/2022, North Kilbrannan Fish Farm, A&B Council, 20/01345/MFF, Formation of Fish Farm, No response at this stage
Received 07/03/2022 Deadline 06/04/2022, Dustaffnage, A&B Council, 20/02358/MFF, Modification to Fish Farm No response at this stage
Received 22/03/2022 Deadline 11/04/2022, Gometra, SEPA, CAR/L/1102386, Increase in Biomass, No response at this stage
Received 24/03/2022, Deadline 06/04/2022, Gigha Scottish Salmon Co.,Screening and Scoping, ADSFB would like to consult on the potential for the development to affect wild salmon and sea trout
Received 22/03/2022 Deadline 12/04/2022, 4km from Clachan, Scot Govt ECU00003448, Scoping for High Constellation Wind Farm, No need for Argyll DSFB to consult on these changes (turbine height) to an existing wind farm
Received 22/03/2022 Deadline 19/04/2022, FinFish Farm, Tarbert Scot Govt 9572 Deposit of Marine Farm, No comments submitted, consult on this application as it only deals with the physical structure and navigational aspects of the fish farm site.
Received 14/03/2022, An Càrr Dubh Wind Farm LUC 11260, ADSFB recommend that the trout populations be considered as wild brown trout as any effect of stocking may not be long lasting or have relevance to the conservation of existing stocks which are important in the own right as well as playing a key role in supporting local biodiversity.
Received 09/03/2022 Deadline 30/03/2022, Cruachan Scot Govt PHS Expansion, ADSFB is concerned that the level of detail provided on fisheries do not allow us to specific comment on the EIA Scoping Report

February 2022

AQUA, Geasgill Fish Farm,  A&B Council 19/01293/MFF, Additional consultation on Enlargement and increase of Biomass at Geasgill Fish farm, Isle of Mull – Environmental Management Plan, Argyll DSFB do not feel that the EMP provided by the applicant will be effective in meeting the local authority’s biodiversity responsibilities under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004.

January 2022

OTHER, Received 21/01/2022, Deadline 18/02/2022, Seil Sound, Marine Scotland, 9492 Moorings, No comments submitted


AQUA Received 06/11/2021, Deadline  07/12/2021,  SEPA Correspondence: Notice of Appeal ADSFB did not comment on this as it is related to details of the amounts of sea lice treatments being used as opposed to amounts discharged
OTHER Received 10/12/2021, Deadline  21/01/2021, Bowling, Out with ADSFB area
AQUA Received 24/11/2021, Deadline  15/12/2021, Lurignish Farm, Appin, A & B Council 21/02201/PREAPP Pre Application, enclosed cage, Argyll DSFB are opposed to the further development of salmon farming on the grounds that the current regulation is insufficient to protect our at-risk wild salmon and sea trout from sea lice and escapee farm fish emanating from fish farms.
OTHER Received 16/12/2021, Deadline  27/01/2021, Inner Hebrideans Marine Scotland, 9611, Cable Installation, There is no affect on the interests of Argyll DSFB arising from this development
OTHER Received 06/12/2021, Deadline 07/01/2022, Isle of Mull RTS Forestry, Long Term Planning for Beach and East Scoor Forests, Isle of Mull


HYDRO, Deadline 08/11/2021, Drimlee, A & B Council 21/02056/SCRSCO,  Micro Hydro ADSFB objected as has potential to have significant impact on wild Atlantic salmon in the Aray
OTHER Received 18/11/2021, Deadeline  16/12/2021, Corran Bridge Bear Scotland 9345 Bridge Repairs. ADSFB did not comment as does not affect river channel.
AQUA Deadline 26/11/2021, Loch Lomond & Trossachs, 2021/0357/DET Introduce the first semi-closed containment system. Opposed to the proposal on the grounds that it has potential to cause further decline in wild salmon and sea trout populations.


AQUA: 04/10/2021: Aquaculture Regulatory Review Marine Scotland Document submitted
AQUA: Received 23/09/2021: Deadline 12/10/2021: Macleans Nose, Mull, SEPA CAR/L/1002965, Increase in Biomass. ADSFB responded that this development is inappropriate from the perspective of migratory salmonids and risks associated with the increase in potential of sea lice
OTHER Received 19/10/2021: Deadline  09/11/2021, Carradale Marine Scotland, 9441, Cable Replacement, Development will not affect wild salmonid, no comment.
OTHER Received 18/10/2021: Deadline 15/11/2021, Connel,  Marine Scotland, 9536 Bridge Maintenance. Larvae in the Sound of Mull and for interaction between wild and escapee farm fish
WIND FARM Received 22/10/2021: Deadline 22/11/2021, Naracahn Wind Farm  Proposal, ECU1884 Changes to proposal No response submitted


OTHER Balmichaeal, Isle of Arran Scottish Water Temporary River Abstraction proposal for temporary river abstraction Clauchan Water
OTHER Revceived 01/09/2021, Doctors Bridge Brodick SEPA CAR/S/SEPA2021-781, Bed reinforcement at the downstream end of this bridge on the Glen Cloy Burn
AQUA Received 27/08/2021, Deadline 01/09/2021 Lochranza, Broadhill SCOT. GOVT PPA-310-2033 Planning Permission Appeal ADSFB submitted an objection
AQUA Received 17/09/2021, Deadline 15/10/2021, Eilean Clotair Marine Scotland 9437, Deposit of Marine Farm, ADSFB did not submit a respone
HYDRO Received 06/09/2021,  Deadline 01/09/2021, Dickins Hydro In River Work Ext Progress, ADSFB identified rivers for early completion due to spawning                       OTHER, Seal Licencing, Meeting with FMS regarding blanket rejection of seal licences  AQUA, Received 07/09/2021, Deadline 28/09/2021, Beinn Reithe, SEPA CAR/L/SEPA2021-728 new farm proposed in Loch Long, ADSFB will not be commenting at this stage in the process                                                                                                        OTHER, Received 22/09/2021, N/A, Glenmore Woodland Forestry and Land Scot Mixed Woodland proposal, No comment as no fisheries near by
OTHER Received 17/09/2021 N/A, Lochranza, Broadhill Scotttish Water Weir sediment clearance, Due to spawning asked that work takes place June-September


Received 20/07/2021, Deadline 11/08/2021, Cruachan Expansion Project, Scot Govt, ECU00003298 Scoping Request                                                                                                WIND FARM Received 14/07/2021, Deadline 06/08/2021, Ladyfield Wind Farm, Scot Govt ECU00003291, Scoping Request, No mention of fish habitats in request, ADSFB suggested that surveys and data should be used
OTHER Received 20/07/2021, Deadline 11/08/2021, Cruachan Expansion Project, Scot Govt, ECU00003298 Scoping Request, Asked to be consulted on fish survey and results and effects to increased water discharge
OTHER Received 04/08/2021, Deadline  24/09/2021, Whistlefiels to Dunoon, SSE LT193 OHL, Rebuild, No comments as close to existing line
AQUA Received 03/08/2021,  Deadline 30/08/2021, Shuna Island, Loch Linnhie Marine Scotland 9254 Deposit of Marine Farm No need for comment at this stage
AQUA Received 09/08/2021, Deadline 06/09/2021, Lisomre West, Loch Linnhie Scot Sea Farms 9247, Planning Permission, No comment submitted by ADSFB
AQUA Received 10/08/2021, Deadline 07/09/2021, Dunstaffanage, Loch Linnhie Marine Scotland 9251, Change to licence, No comment as only relates to navigation
WIND FARM Received 12/08/2021,  Deadline 02/09/2021 Escart Farm, Skipness Argyll and Bute Council 21/01179/pp, Consent renewal for existing wind farm
OTHER Received 29/07/2021, Deadline 26/08/2021 Dychlcemore Forest Plan Scot Woodlands Scoping Request, Highlighted need for mitigation action to prevent damage to habitat and rivers


Received 18/06/2021, Deadline  13/08/2021, Creag Dhubh to Dalmally SSE 275KV Connection does not cross any significant habitats, no comment submitted by ADSFB
Received 08/07/2021, Deadline N/A, Glen Orchy Glen Lochy Foresty and Land Com Scoping Request

Received 05/07/2021, Deadline 02/08/2021, Claonaig Ferry Terminal Marine Scotland, 8955, Outfall Extension, No comment as no impact on fisheries or wild fish
Received 21/07/2021, Allt Gruiniche & Awe IKM Consultancy Instream Construction Works, Recommendations given
Received 26/07/2021, Deadline 03/08/2021, Fish Farm Containment & Code of Practice, Scot Govt, Comments submitted, poorly co-ordinated policy
Received 19/07/2021, Deadline 02/08/2021, Port-a Bjuiliton, Marine Scotland, 9101, Algal Farm, No need for ADSFB to comment

June 2021

Received 15/06/2021, Deadline  13/07/2021, Strone, Loch Striven Marine Scotland, 9209 Deposit of Marine Farm No comment from ADSFB, licensing an existing farm
Received 25/06/2021, Deadline 23/07/2021, Isle of Lismore Marine Scotland, 9244 Mooring, No comment from ADSFB
Received 07/06/2021, Deadline 09/07/2021, Creag Dhubh to Inveraray 275 kV OHL ADSFB commeneted that consultation LT194 SSE LT194 route should be constructed away from the River Aray onto route options A or E to minimise any impact on migratory fish and their habitats.
Received 02/07/2021, Deadline N/A, River Lonan SSE Cable Installation, ADSFB commented regarding access and culvets
Received 10/06/2021, Deadline 09/07/2021, Ardgaddan Marine Scotland 9186 Marine Farm, No comment from ADSFB

May 2021

Received 20/05/2020, B839 Road Bridge, Scottish Water Installation Pipe Protection, Happy with you proposed works; however, keen to avoid creating any kind of weir at the crossing which can interfere with migration of different fish species
Received 18/05/2021 Deadline  15/06/2021, Linnhe Marine Marine Scotland 9725 Replace existing moorings, No comment required
Received 10/05/2021, Deadline 07/06/2021, Group Forests Forrest Scotland No comment required
Received 20/05/2021, Deadline  11/06/2021, North Arran SEPA CAR/L/1181033, Increase in Biomass Objection due to important migration pathway for Atlantic Salmon
Received 24/05/2021, Deadline 21/06/2021, Rhbha Stillaig, Loch Fyne Marine Scotland 9274 Deposit of Fish Farm
Received 23/03/2021, Deadline 31/05/2021, Marine Plan Review, Marine Scotland, No comment from ADSFB
Received 11/05/2021, Deadline 02/06/2021, Car Dhub Wind Farm Scot Govt, Scoping Request, Pre and post surveys recommended to ensure no damage to fish populations

April 2021

Received 30/03/2021, Tobermory Bay, 20/02330/PP, Pipeline Development, ADSFB commented that the proposed filter screen of 15 mm width has some potential to act as a gillnet on smaller fish, recommend that the finer 8 mm diameter screen material is also placed on top of or directly under the main screen so there is no possibility of fish becoming trapped.
Received 08/03/2021, deadline 12/04/2021, Arnicle Wind Farm, Scot Govt, Scoping Request, ADSFB recommended developer indentify additional pressures on wild fish
Received 05/04/2021, Alt Coire Chailean, Bear, Scour Repair, ADSFB highlighted the need for care in terms of maintaining water quality so that the useful habitat downstream is not affected by the works.
Received April, Shuna Island, A&B Council, 2100268/MFF, Shuna Island Expansion, ADSFB objected as does not protect the wild fish and impact genetic introgression arising from any escapes
Received 16/04/2021, deadline 14/05/2021, Goba Bharra, Loch Fyne Marine Scot, Deposit of Marine Farm Renewal for the farm location, ADSFB did not comment as we do not have any influence on

March 2021

Received 15/03/2021, Deadline  16/04/2021 Glen Forsa Highfield Forestry Scoping Request. ADSFB responded:  Welcome native tree planting, recommend usage of sensitive drainage methods
Received 08/03/2021 Knapdale A&B Council 21/00002/PP Micro hydro scheme No comment required, no impact on any fish habitat due to the very small nature of the watercourse / scheme
Received 22/03/2021, Kilberry Wind Farm Scot Gov Scoping Request. ADSFB recommend that the developer need to identify and mitigate for any additional pressures on the water environment and fish populations resulting from the development.
Received 18/03/2021,Aros Burn, Mull A&B Council 20/02330/PP, Pipeline Development, ADSFB requested further information on the design of the water intake related to ensuring no fish are taken into the pipeline before planning permission is approved.
09/03/2021 06/04/2021 Meal Mhor, Glen Forsa Marine Scot 9065 Deposit of Marine Farm, No comment as no change to current production

February 2021

Received 09/02/2021, Deadline  03/03/2021-Creagh Dhabh to Dalmally-Scot Govt 275KV Connection-Attention to spawning areas and requested sensitive work to be done
Received 01/02/2021- Deadline 03/02/2021-Dunstaffnage- A&B COUNCIL 20/02358/MFF Increase to biomass Objection submitted with supporting evidence

Deadline 26/02/2021- Lismore West A&B Council 20/02359/MFF- Increase in cages- Objection submitted with supporting evidence

January 2021

Deadline 15/02/2020- Loch Feochan- Marine Scotland- 9002- Moorings- No need to consult on application

Arrivain, River Lochy Amco Girren -ISO1223-CP6 Works to structure- Recommended limited works until May to not disturb trout

Eas Mor, Arran Waterman Group- 17795 Landslip Construction -Satisfied that the proposed works can be carried out in the winter

West Highland Line IKM- New culvert replacement- No objections,-requested new culverts at the downstream side

December 2020

Deadline 03/12/2020- Dunoon SSE -LT1933 -Routeing Consultation

Deadline 18/12/2020- Musdale Windfarm- Scot Govt ECU00002168 -Scoping opinion

Deadline 14/12/2020- Kintarbert Hydro SEPA CAR/L/1088889- 21 day notice of approval for abstraction of water from Abhann Na Cuille

Received 02/11/2020- Deadline 03/12/2020- Dunoon SSE- LT1933 Routeing Consultation

November 2020

Deadline 15/12/2020 – Loch Creran Marine Scotland – 8963 – Mooring-  No comment required, does not affect wild fish interests

Received 14/10/2020-Deadline 11/11/2020- Loch Etive- Marine Scotland 8921 -Deposit of Dawnfresh Fishfarm- No comment given on the basis that it is for existing farm structures and this consultation does not consider the management practices of the farm.

October 2020

Deadline 14/09/2020 -Dippin Burn Balfour Beatty Installation of fibre cable- Happy with proposed methodology, requested images and report on completion

Received 05/10/2020- Deadline 03/11/2020- Ardura Com Forrest UKFCG- Entry into UKFCG memberships

September 2020

Received 27/08/20 – Deadline 25/09/2020  -Creag Dhubh SSE 255K Connection to Dalmally. Asked for consultation when fish passages are involved.                                 Received 03/09/2020-Deadline 24/09/2020- Isle of Mull SSE CAR/L/1008861 21 Day notice. No further comment as will concentrate on EMP.
Received 10/09/2020 River Goil Scottish Power Emergency repair work Feedback given and asked for consultation on repair work.

August 2020

Received 07/07/2020, deadline 04/08/2020, Airds Point Marine Scotland 7316 Deposit of Dawnfresh Fish Farm. No response required.
Received 27/07/2020, deadline 14/08/2020, McCauley Burn SEPA CAR/S/1192728 Engineering work to recuse corrosion. Objection as work started without licence or adequate planning and concerns for damage to fish habitat
Received 29/07/2020, deadline 16/08/2020, Creagan Bridge Marine Scotland, 7275 Bridge Maintenance- No response given
Received 03/08/2020, deadline 28/08/2020, Dalness Estate Scottish Woodlands Scoping Request- No response given
Received 05/08/2020, deadline 02/09/2020, Rothesay Outer Harbour A&B Council 7201 Capital Dredging and Sea Deposit- No response given

July 2020

deadline 13/07/2020 Sailean Ruadh, Loch Etive Marine Scotland 7313 Deposit of Dawnfresh Fish Farm No response required
deadline 13/07/2020 Port Na Mine, Loch Etive Marine Scotland 7317 Deposit of Dawndfesh Fish Farm
deadline 03/07/2020 Loch Linnhe SEPA CAR/L/1000890 Increase marine cage capacity No response needed
deadline 21/07/2020 Colintraive Ferry Terminal Marine Scotland 7297 Extension of Terminal Ferry No response required
deadline 15/07/2020 Eredine Wind Farm Scot Govt Scoping Request
deadline 05/07/2020 REC comittee ADSFB/AFT Expert advice Consulting and editing submission to REC
deadline 20/07/2020 Dunstaffanage Marine Scotland 7280 Construction of outfall pipe No response needed
deadline 20/07/2020 Kintarbert Hydro SEPA CAR/L/1088889 Relaxation of abstraction restrictions Opposed to changes, evidenve required to ensure that migration of trout will not be affected

June 2020

received 15/06/2020, deadline  13/07/2020,  Sailean Ruadh, Loch Etive Marine Scotland 7313 Deposit of Dawnfresh Fish Farm
received 15/06/2020, deadline 13/07/2020 Port Na Mine, Loch Etive Marine Scotland 7317 Deposit of Dawndfesh Fish Farm
received 12/06/2020, deadline03/07/2020 Loch Linnhe SEPA CAR/L/1000890 Increase marine cage capacity
received 23/06/2020, deadline 21/07/2020 Colintraive Ferry Terminal Marine Scotland 7297 Extension of Terminal Ferry

May 2020

26/06/2020 -Inveraray, South of Jail, Marine Scotland- 7276- Reapir of sea wall. No comment required
06/06/2020 -Earraghail Renewable Energy- Argyll and Bute- Scoping Request. Asked for consideration of passage for fish, silt mangement and fish surveys pre and post development

April 2020

4/29/2020 -Rothesay, Isle of Bute- Argyll and Bute -7204 -Replacement of moorings No comment required
5/7/2020 -Ardrishaig,-Argyll Marine Scotland -07045v- Pontoon , no comment.
5/25/2020 -Arrdura Community Forest Sylva- Culture Scoping request Positive response offering advice and help on improving habitat
06/04/2020 Charlottes Bay, Nrth Kererra Marine Scotland 7814
27/04/2020 Achnatree Morrings Marine Scotland 7188 Moorings
03/04/2020 29/04/2020 Rothesay, Isle of Bute Argyll and Bute 7204 Replacement of moorings

March 2020

06/04/2020 Loch Creran, Argyll Marine Scotland 7165 HDV Cable development No comments required

February 2020

Deadline 05/03/2020 -Loch Etive Cuaseway -A&B COUNCIL- 693- Causeway Construction
Deadline 25/02/2020- Narachan Wind Farm, Loch Etive- Energie Kontor Winfarm Land Management Plan
Deadline 26/02/2020- West Loch Awe Land Management Plan Forestry and Land Scotland -Incorporating the forest blocks of Collaig, Inverinan, Loch Avich and Inverliever- No comments required

January 2020
Deadline 03/02/2020 -Strachur, Cairndow -MARINE SCOTLAND- 7100- Repair Outfall Pipe- No comments required
Deadline 07/02/2020- Ardyne- A&B COUNCIL- 19/02539/MFF- Change of equipment and biomass- Effective EMP requested as one provided was not detailed enough
Deadline 02/01/202-0 East of Miust Point -North Ayrshire Council- 19/00609/PPM- Installation and operation of Atlantic Salmon Fish Farm -Opposed to further development, EMP does not assess properly lice burden
Deadline 08/01/2020- Colonsay A&B Council- 19/02546/PREAPP -New location for Fish Farm -Requested that planning condition is attached to any increase in production under Nature Conservation Act 2004
Deadline 06/02/2020- North Lismore- A&B Council- 19/02625/MFF- Consolidation of two existing fish farms, no increase to biomass-No objections, requested EMP to be put in place
Deadline 10/02/2020- Various Locations- Marine Scotland- 07105 RNLI- Low impact maintenance on pontoons -No response from ADSFB
Deadline 27/01/20- Mill Burn, Millport RPS Group FlOod Risk Assessment on behalf of North Ayrshire Council- ADSFB provided feedback
Deadline 14/02/20 – Loch Feochan Marine Scotland 7151 New Mooring No response required

December 2019

Deadline 19th December-Scottish Salmon Company- Loch Striven Marine Scotland -7093- Fish Farm at Loch Striven
Deadline 19th December – Loch Na Cille Marine Scotland- 7008 -2 new private moorings
Deadline 19th December – Loch Na Keal -Scot Salmon Co Marine Scotland- 0618V -2 new cages and moorings
6th December 2019 -North Kilbrannan- MOWI- New Site at North Kilbrannan- EMP requested, objected expansion Deadline 6th December 2019 – MOWI- North Kilbrannan -New Site at North Kilbrannan EMP requested, objected expansion
Deadline 7th January 2020- North Argyll Forrest Forestry and Land Scot Land managament
Deadline 8th January 2020- Creran Land Managament- Forestry and Land Scoland managament
Deadline 8th January 2020- Appin Land Managament -Forestry and Land Scot Land managament

November 2019
Corran Bridge – Bear Scotland -708-1 Bridge Reapirs, Corrand Bridge -Does not affect in-stream fish habits, no comment required
Brackley Estate Scottish Woodlands- n/a- Improve Forest Biodiversity- No comment required, does not affect watercourses
SE of Feorline -A&B Council -19/01880/99- Extension to Hydro Pipeline SE of Ferline- No further comments

October 2019
Deadline 30th October 2019 -Marine Scotland-7058-Pontoon at Eriska Hotel, Bend

Comments are closed.